1000 g Brioche Flour
200 g Butter
30 g Fresh brewer's yeast
600 g Eggs
220 g Castor Sugar
50g Honey
18g Salt
4g Vanilla bean powder
300gr. sugar
150gr. butter
10gr. Cinnamon (approximate amount)
Emulsion for brushing Cinnamon (all)
Final dough temperature: 26-27°C
1) Mix flour, yeast, eggs and butter. Halfway through the dough, add sugar. Once the dough is
stringy, add honey, vanilla and salt.
2) Let the dough rest for 30 minutes.
3) Roll out to a 60x40 rectangle (baking pan size).
4) Let cool 1 hour at 0°. Meanwhile emulsify sugar, butter and cinnamon.
5) After 1 hour, spread emulsion over entire surface of dough and roll from long side to form
a roll.
6) Cut rounds (3-4cm) and arrange in baking pan.
7) Let rise 2 hours at 27-28°.
8) Bake at 180° for 15-20 minutes
9) When coming out of the oven, brush with a sugar and water glaze in a 5-to-1 ratio (5 parts sugar to
glaze and one part water)